Disability Section
Parkside at Alexandria is an accessible property for persons with disabilities. Parkside’s Board of Directors, onsite management and staff, and Parkside’s Management company work continuously to ensure that Parkside is an accessible and safe environment for persons with disabilities or other special needs.
Parkside’s onsite office, community building, workout facility, and swimming pool are all fully accessible. Parkside sidewalks offer curb cuts and a pedestrian assist HAWK signal located at Maris Avenue and Van Dorn street provides Metrobus users enhanced pedestrian safety in crossing Van Dorn. Parkside has designated handicapped parking spaces accessible by Parkside Owners and residents who have a state issued handicapped license plates or a hanging placard. If Parkside Owners or residents (tenants) require other disability related reasonable accommodations, a formal request can be made in writing to the Parkside onsite management office for presentation to the Board of Directors for consideration. Such a request must be accompanied by a letter from a licensed medical professional indicating the type and nature of accommodation required and that it is medically justified. Based on that medical justification, the Parkside Board will consider the accommodation request.
Parkside at Alexandria works on an ongoing basis with the City of Alexandria Committee for Persons with Disabilities to continuously improve quality of life for persons with disabilities owning and living at Parkside. Feedback and suggestions from Parkside Association members who have a disability are always appreciated by the Parkside Boards for its efforts to continuously improve Parkside. Suggestions should be submitted in writing to the Parkside onsite management office or via the Parkside website.